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Live Cell Therapy
LIVE CELL THERAPY: Questions & Answers

What are Live Cell Therapy treatments?
Cellular Therapy is a form of non-toxic, holistic medicine in which the entire organism is being treated. With cellular therapy science we treat not only the symptoms of the disease, but successfully effect the cause.

Live healthy cells are injected into the patient, resulting in refurbishing and regeneration of cells in the areas targeted, and in turn, stimulating the immune system. Live Cell Therapy (xenotransplant therapy) is not for replacing tissue but rather for stimulating the growth and function of existing tissue. In other words, live cells are instrumental in "waking up" dormant cells within the patient and creating new synapses and connective tissue.

(Video: Live Cell Therapy Case Study Video: Phil Hardt, Huntington's Disease Patient)

How do Live Cell Therapy treamtments work?
Embryonic cells from specific tissues (in our case, from the blue shark) are ground up, maintained in a saline solution and deep- frozen.* The solution is first tested thoroughly for sterility before being injected intramuscularly into the patient. The live cells are absorbed by the patient's body and act as a stimulant to "wake up" the patient's own corresponding cells. The cellular material is brought through "macrophages" (a special type of white cell) to the targeted human organ (ie., thyroid to thyroid, liver to liver, etc.), where it is deposited. The healthy cell material "glues" to the damaged human cells and induces a "correcting" activity by using the very well known ability of every cell to repair itself. With the help of radioactive tagging, not available until recent years, we know that the material injected into humans is quickly dissolved usually within about four hours' time. Depending on the affliction, the effect of Live Cell Therapy is usually not apparent for four to six weeks after treatment, in some cases earlier and in other cases, later. Each individual will respond differently.

*While autolysis (the breakdown of all or part of a tissue by self-produced enzymes) can occur by deep-freezing and thawing the whole organ, this does not happen when the tissues are ground first and mixed with a saline solution.

Why embryonic cells?
The preference for fetal cells over the cells of newborn animals (or otherwise) is because they are more compatible with the target host due to the lesser likelihood of allergenic, anti-immune responses. If the injected material is embryonic (ie., in the first 3 months of pregnancy) and is given in reasonable amounts, it is practically free of side effects and is accepted and handled as its "own" by the human body.

There exist 100% proven studies that demonstrate the compatibility between bovine cells and those of human beings, whereby the bovine cells stimulate and create new cell formation. Based on references published by medical universities in Germany and South America, it has been shown that severe cases which were not healed by conventional medicine, were indeed eradicated using this technique.

Why shark cells?
It was previously believed that sheep were the best donor animals because of their five or six embryos. However, with the results of recent research, shark embryo cells seem to be vastly superior to sheep embryo cells, in particular the blue shark (Cacharius glaucus) found only in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. (It is important to note that sharks are hunted and killed daily, and the embryonic sac is normally thrown away as worthless.)

The shark has a perfect immune system in that it is free from cancer and has no contagious diseases. It has so far proven impossible to produce cancer cells in the blue shark and this animal also will never accept the HIV virus, for example. Additionally the blue (and other) sharks have circulating antibodies as immunoglobulin already circulating in their blood. Equally important, the cells used in Live Cell Therapy should be from a specie which has a comparable pregnancy time to the human, such as the blue shark.

In some specific cases, bovine cells are used for illnesses relating to the neurovascular, cardiovascular and collagen illnesses.

More recently, experiments are being conducted with certain insects who have perfect immune systems. Research in this area appears to be quite promising.

Why not human fetal cells?
Aside from the possible moral and ethical concerns, human embryonic cells (from human legal abortions) should never be used, due to the risk of AIDS contamination as well as other diseases. The blue shark is entirely free of diseases and comes from a healthy environment.

How do animal cells correspond to human cells?
Animal cells work in human organisms because in specific organs there are no essential differences between the enzymatic and functional capacities of human and animal cells. On a cellular level, the tissues function essentially the same.

What types of diseases are treated with Live Cell Therapy?
Live Cell Therapy is used to treat diseases ranging from chronic skin disorders (psoriasis, eczema, some allergies) to arteriosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cancer, congenital defects of all kinds, mental and physical retardation, Down's syndrome, narcolepsy, obesity, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, infertility, the full spectrum of sexual dysfunctions, disorders and insufficiencies, chronic nephrosis, chronic arthritis, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease, eye disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, narcolepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS, and all kinds of auto-immune diseases. It is also used to treat neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, Parkinson's, epilepsy, and post-stroke paralysis. Other diseases treated are hereditary developmental abnormalities of bone and cartilage including dwarfism, congenital hip malformations, congential dysplasias, spinal problems, cleft lip, palate; cranial and other head malformations. Live Cell Therapy is also used as a special program for rejuvenation and preventative treatment.

After the Injection:
For the first 48 to 72 hours, the patient is advised to forgo any strenous exercise, hot baths or showers, direct sunlight and certain foods which contain enzymes, such as papaya, radish, pineapple, avocado, broccoli, banana, mango, and asparagus. It is also highly advised that the patient avoid smoking, alcohol, sugar, massage, antibiotics, steroids, and color television & computers (due to the radiation). Vitamins are also avoided for the first couple of days, as some of them release enzymes which can harm the live cells. Along with the nutritional program designed specifically for the patient, a vegetarian diet (no red meat) is recommended for at least 2 days. Above all, the patient is advised to avoid any kind of stress.

Live Cell Therapy and Cancer
Live Cell Therapy has its best effects in cancer the earlier the patient is diagnosed and the less he/she has been exposed to toxic chemotherapy and radiation, two treatments which severely depress the immune system. Only in recent years has Western oncology expressed growing interest in finding ways to enhance the immune system - a testimony both to years of evidence that the holistic approach is sound and also to the essential failure of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to do little more than provide some suppression of symptoms. Holistically-minded physicians understand that cancer tumors are more than localized tumefaction, but that they are rather manifestations of a chronic, systemic metabolic dysfunction. Rather than treating only the symptoms, Live Cell Therapy seeks to stimulate the body's own system by cellular injections, stimulating the body to heal itself. This therapy, combined with a total protocol of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, biological and individualized dietary programs, currently represents the best hope in most forms of cancer.

It is important to note that those who practice "orthodox" medicine will be quite vocal in their opposition to this "unorthodox" treatment. Here's the reason: The greatest enemies of Live Cell Treatment are the large and powerful pharmaceutical companies whose sole existence rely on pill manufacturing. If we are able to cure a condition, for which pills are no longer needed to loosely control the condition, then suddenly big business is in trouble, with its very existence threatened. Live Cell Therapy is not a drug-based treatment.

Why travel to Mexico for treatment?
Americans are being denied access to one of the most promising innovations in medical science and they are paying the price. In the U.S., one out of every two deaths is due to some form of "heart disease" and one out of every five is brought about by cancer. Cancer rates are growing faster than any other cause of death in America (save accidents). Arthritis and multiple sclerosis incidences are growing so fast that they are multi-billion-dollar industries in their own right. Little-known or little-understood conditions such as ALS Syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and other conditions (Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy) are growing in incidence and fatality statistics. All of these are systemic chronic metabolic dysfunctions. Yet in America, only one school of medicine - allopathy (or drug-based medicine) - has been allowed to exist and flourish, to the detriment of all others.

Often, Americans are not aware that there are many other approaches to disease control rather than the ingestion of powerful drugs and submission to surgery or radiation. Some alternative medical approaches, such as homeopathy and naturopathy, have either been thwarted or only grudgingly allowed to exist. Even in Europe, cellular or Live Cell Therapy is often made available only when combined with toxic chemotherapy. Live Cell Therapy is not drug therapy, and therefor in a country (the U.S.) where laws favor the big drug companies, this type of innovative treatment is not allowed. Americans are leaving their country by the droves, not only for Live Cell Therapy but for all kinds of medications and medical approaches they cannot have access to in their own nation. On the other hand, medical freedom of choice in Mexico has looked kindly on this promising wave of the medical future even while this treatment remains "unacceptable" in the neighboring United States.

Dr. Kuhnau (left), and Dr. VelazquezHow Many Doctors Use This Therapy?
There exists worldwide various cellular formulas, but Dr. Neihans' original formula was continued through Dr. Kuhnau in Mexico, who is known all over the world for his cellular therapy of live and frozen cells WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES. Now the only one in the world to continue the same formula and with the same results is Dr. Luis Velazquez. For almost a decade Dr. Velazquez worked intensely under the tutelage of Dr. Kuhnau, who passed on to Dr. Velazquez all of his knowledge and experience. Apart from Dr. Velazquez, Dr. Kuhnau had no other disciples. It is for this reason that, aside from The Center for Holistic Life Extension, any other type of cellular therapy will differ from the original formula. In a recent international congress the live and frozen Cellular Therapy has been acknowledged as one of the best and most promising forms of treatment for many cases. It is important to note that cellular therapy which contains a preservative IS NOT CONSIDERED Live Cell Therapy.

Some famous "patients"
Cellular therapy has been used and achieved notable responses through treatments in Germany in such world figures as Pope Pius XII, Charles DeGaulle, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Sir Winston Churchill, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, political patriarch Joseph Kennedy; actors/actresses such as Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Gloria Swanson; and artists and novelists such as Pablo Picasso, playwright Noel Coward and author W. Somerset Maugham.

The History of Live Cell Therapy
In 1912, Dr. Kuettner, a pioneer in Live Cell Therapy, recommended that organs not be transplanted in their entirety but rather that they be cut into small pieces, dissolved in saline solution, and injected into the patient. His research was largely ignored.

In 1931 Dr. Paul Niehans of Switzerland used the Kuettner approach on a female patient whose parathyroid had been erroneously removed by another doctor. Transplant was not possible, as the patient was suffering from severe cramping and in a terminal condition. Dr. Niehans injected into the patient live cells from the parathyroid of an embryonic ox as a temporary survival technique: This technique was not only well tolerated, but the patient recovered completely and lived for an additional 24 years. Dr. Niehans was stimulated by the earlier work of Dr. Alexis Carrel, who demonstrated the influence of healthy cells on those about to die off. He found that by adding healthy fresh cells to a dying cell colony, the moribund cells acquired new life. In 1954, Dr. Paul Niehans' classic work, Dei Zellulartherapie (Cellular Therapy) was published in German.

Dr. Wolfram Kuhnau, who comes from a long line of German physicians, spent most of his professional life advancing the monumental work of the late Dr. Paul Niehans. He studied in Leipzip, Munich, Vienna, and Frieborg, before receiving his diploma in 1934 from the University of Berlin, where he studied internal medicine. He later went on to study biochemistry and dermatology in, respectively, Leipzig and Bonn. Later his interest turned to endocrinology. His own research into Live Cell Therapy was published in 1952, parts of which were used in Dr. Paul Niehans' 1954 publication, and led to a long professional relationship with Dr. Niehans. For 20 years, Dr. Kuhnau practiced cellular therapy primarily in Germany and lectured on the subject all over the world. He was the first to stress that the real role of cellular therapy is the harmonizing of the body's hormonal system. After 1980, he continued his research and practice of Live Cell Therapy in Mexico. He was the first person in the world to inject himself with live cells from embryonic sharks. Since he tolerated these cells very well, they were then given to ten volunteers who showed no side effects and whose laboratory tests showed excellent results.

Under the tutelage of Dr. Kuhnau, Dr. Luis Velazquez continues to carry on the dedicated research and practice of Live Cell Therapy.

Cellular Therapy is supported by more than 3,000 scientific publications, a number which grows day by day. These works can be found in the library of the International Center of Cell Investigation in Heidelberg, Germany, and some of them contain definitive conclusions over the mechanisms of action based on studies with radioisotopes and histochemical colorizations.

Pharmacological Foundations
Cellular Therapy acquires its importance when it is considered that its action is not based on synthetically produced chemical products that are generally foreign to the human organism, but on cellular elements that are similar or common to all the superior species and which bring the desired healing, along with other "traditional" therapies. The magnitude of Cellular Therapy remains amply demonstrated if we evaluate that it places at the desposition of the medical practitioner, 60 or more tissues capable of acting pharmacologically. The Pharmacological Biological Therapy has to do with molecular pathology because it seeks the reversal of the former through the incorporation of functional groups or active monomers that substitute for those that are found in dysfunction because of the same errors of the molecular illness.

Possible Causes for Molecular Illness
Amongst some of the other possible causes of illness on the molecular level, the dysfunctions of the DNA, RNA and proteins could well be cited because they can conduce the synthesis of erroneous proteins, those which may not complete their specific functions adequately. In the same manner, we can include in the probable cause of illness, dysfunctions of the enzyme-protein regulators that can appear acutely or gradually in relationship with the physiological involution.

Insertion-Absorbtion of Molecules
The following describes the mechanism of which the receiving organism serves through the phagocytosis in the absorbtion of the usable material for the cellular eutrophy. These mechanisms are possible as it is deduced from the studies with radioisotopes, vital colorization, and immunological tests. In the following immunology study it is mentioned:

   a) The particles injected are captured by membrane psuedopods of the polynuclear neutrophils.

   b) These neutrophils are phagocytized by the mononuclear macrophages.

   c) The macrophages recognize the type of molecules that have entered into the guest organism and then put into effect a minimal immune movement.

   d) Here the nucleic acids of the macrophage and of the receptor intervene in the recognition of the molecules that have come from the implanted tissues and determine if the cellular material that has entered is useful to the organism.

   e) The macrophage transfers to the receiving cell the specific material that it transports (work with radioisotopes).

   f) At the same time, the receiving cell is provided with the free molecular material in its protoplasm, and then synthesized and distributed according to the biological needs.

Cellular Therapy and Immunology
In Cellular Therapy, antigens of different fetal tissues are incorporated via parenteral into an organism by implantation for therapeutic purposes in certain particular conditions and where the phagocytosis of macrophages intervenes.

This phagocytosis is brought about by the polynuclear neutrophils leukocytes of the circulating blood and the macrophages that are cells of the Reticular Endotheliai system, disseminated in the group of the organism, especially in the lymphatic ganglia and in the spleen.

The method of the cellular antigens incorporated under certain conditions offers fundmental differences with organ transplants, the implantation of organized tissues and also of the histochemical complexes.

The same stirrup in which the cellular antigens are incorporated into the guest in the form of dispersed cellular implants, also called "micro-cellular transplants in solution" which favors the "contact of the material in situ" with the phagocytic cells of the receptor and also because these same tisular elements are not organized to constitute an immune complex.

The macrophages are cells gifted with the power to absorb invading cells or bacterias and to weaken them (degrade them) to basic molecular levels. In the cell graft, when there is not organized tissue, the macrophage presents the foreign element to the lymphocyte T (LT) as an antigen, or that which it phagocytoses by degradation and incorporates the useful elements in the organic system. These same phagocytes as well as incorporating xenogeneic molecular substances to the homologous cells as their own, also furthers the probabilities of specific cytotoxic elements, ther allergic reactions and shock, and before the possibility of an overflow, the reaction of the antibodies would be weak, in minimal quantities and of little significance.

According to that which has been shown about phagocytosis by macrophages, this acquires its importance in the manner in which the process favors the reception of useful material for the cellular resistance, because in the same manner the cellular implants are broken down into elements that are friendly to the receptor (enzymes, polypeptides, DNA, RNA, and basic organic substances) and later moved and incorporated by the saccular vesicular to the corresponding or homologous cells. The molecules in question become part of the cellular protoplasm for its ribosomal synthesis.

Additional information about Live Cell Therapy is also available within Part 6 of our Cancer section.

NOTE: It is common to confuse between a tissue transplant, whole glands or fragments (compact pieces) of hypophysis, suprarenal, ovary, thyroid, parathyroid, etc., that are made by subcutaneous procedure (surgical) in some European countries, which has nothing to do with Cellular Therapy, even though these implants were realized by Niehans before 1931 (before the creation of Cellular Therapy). Likewise, they are confused with the famous subcutaneous implants of placenta in the abdominal zone, done using Filatov's procedure, creator of the cornea grafts. / The Center for Holistic Life Extension
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