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There are three sections to our Healthy Diet Program section.
Part 1: Basic Healthy Diet Program
Part 2: Detoxification Diet Program & Tips
Part 3: Other Dietary Insights & Tips
Part 3: Other Dietary Insights & Tips
Beans are less expensive and healthier and provide better protein than meats. Try to eat fresh fish every other day, chicken once a week and meat only twice a month. We also suggest one egg twice a week and a half glass of milk every day for cereal or with pancakes to compliment your protein intake.
Soups made from legumes, fresh vegetables and meat or chicken are best. These soups should contain whole barley, brown rice or pasta made with whole wheat. Avoid unbleached flour and use very little seasoning or salt.
1. During the day drink fresh juices and homemade soups when thirsty instead of water. This practice helps to saturate your system with organically-combined minerals, vitamins and live-oxidizing enzymes.
2. Don't use flouridated water for drinking or cooking. Spring water or distilled water is preferred.
3. Food should be cooked in stainless steel or corning cookware. Waterless cookware is preferred.
4. Do not smoke or occupy the same room or air space with a smoker on a regular basis.
5. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or soft drinks.
6. Sit 6 feet away from your TV screen and only watch it for 1 or 2 hours a day. TV pictures emit radiation, especially color sets.
7. Don't eat refined or processed foods; the less refined the diet, the better.
8. Eat organically-grown foods that are unsprayed and fumigated or grow your own fruits and vegetables and be sure... while getting exercise as well.
9. Avoid eating any meat that has been produced with the use of steroids or hormones or chemicals of any kind. Cooking does not destroy these synthetic poisons.
1O. Remember, kernels from the prune family, such as apricots, almonds, prunes, plums, peaches, cherries, and apple seeds contain nitrilosides, (leatrile) which enhance the immune system.
11. Daily evacuation of the bowels is desirable and enemas as prescribed by your doctor are preferrable to laxatives.
12. Coffee enemas stimulate the liver, open the bile ducts and increase the flow of bile. Avoid instant coffee. A healthier liver is one of the first lines of defense in disease prevention and treatment.
13. When gas, bloat and indigestion occur inmediately after eating, take one teaspoon of cider vinegar in a small glass of apple juice. A lack of HCL or hydrochloric acid in the stomach may be the cause and if it is, continue taking the cider vinegar and apple juice before meals.
14. Increase iodine foods such as fish and kelp. Liquid iodine is usually available in health foods stores. Increase the potassium foods such as greens, potatoes, green sprouts, lima beans, nuts, and most fruits and vegetables. Eliminate processed and salty foods.
15. Become a label detective. Read all labels and avoid artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and sugar substitutes. Watch out for BHT, BHA, nitrates, etc. Avoid ordinary permanent waves, toxic hair sprays, synthetic cosmetics, specially formulated lipsticks containing coal tar dyes and anti-perspirants with aluminum ingredients. Use natural cosmetics, avoid all aerosol products, hair dyes or rinses.
16. Learn to substitute cooking ingredients. Example: nut or seed oil for milk, yeast for baking powder, etc.
17. Check the acid-alkaline balance in the urine, particularly in connection with protein assimilation from vegetables such as bean sprouts, etc. Use Nitrazine paper (from Squibb) that is obtainable in drug and health foods stores. Authorities agree that the reading should be 5.5. or 6 (7.0 is neutral). The higher the number the greater the alkaline content. HCL pancreatic enzyme digestants and minerals are helpful in maintaining a proper balance, and in overcoming uncomfortable times with gas, bloat and putrefaction.
18. Get at least 8 hours of sleep and lots of rest, exercise in the sun and take hot baths every day to increase circulation. Think about good things.
19. Eat three regular meals daily. Breakfast is always the most important, especially when you are chelating. Try having your lightest meal in the evening.
20. Try eliminating free-fat such as butter, mayonnaise and oils from your diet. Get 15% dietary fat from foods such as whole grains, nuts, olives and avocados.
21. Drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily. Herb teas and fruit juice may be included.
22. Take time to make meal times enjoyable! Relax, eat slowly and chew your food well. You'll be surprised at how much your digestion will improve.
23. Take all nutritional supplements faithfully, and at the specified time.
24. Shortly after rising each morning, take a hot and cold shower. Begin with 1 minute hot water; follow this with 1/2 minute cold water. Repeat 6 to 10 times, ending with cold water for 1 minute and brisk towel rub. If taken at night, end with hot water for 2 minutes.
25. A specific daily exercise program is most important! Every part of your body is healed by the extra oxygen
provided by deep breathing.
26. Since each body is different, you must be aware of your capabilities. Start out by setting 15 minutes aside for walking at a steady pace, or bending and stretching while breathing deeply.
27. Work toward spending one-half to one hour every day enjoying physical activity. Swimming or brisk walking is great. Use this time for meditation and positive thinking. THIS IS AS IMPORTANT AS THE FOOD YOU EAT!
Excellent books are available on effective diets. For example: The Natural Foods Cookbook, by Beatrice Hunter; The Leatrile Cookbook by Florence Joyce; The Forget about Meat Cookbook by Dr. Pietro Rotondi; Keys to Cooking for Living, by Dr. Charlote Holmes.
ln all of these we demonstrate our love, honor and respect for humankind and God.